Button-Accordion Project
(Dual-row A-D, D-G, G-C or C-F, with Accidentals)
Based on tunes2play4fun.com & Facilitated by ZOOM
The Button Accordion, its Music & Notation
Introduction to Tunes with Three Beats per Bar
(Dual-row A-D, D-G, G-C or C-F, with Accidentals)
Based on tunes2play4fun.com & Facilitated by ZOOM
The Button Accordion, its Music & Notation
Introduction to Tunes with Three Beats per Bar
Slide 1 (Tutorial Project BA1 - Main goal)
Slide 1 (Tutorial Project BA1 - Main goal)
Slide 2 (Units in BA1 mini-course)
Slide 3 (Topics for Unit 9)
Slide 4
Slide 5
"Down in the Valley" begins with a complete bar of three notes & beats.
However, "On Top of Old Smokey" begins with a partial bar, sometimes called a pickup bar, with only a single-beat note, sometimes called a pickup note. In today's session we will play a chord tap for each of the pickup notes we meet. |
Slide 6
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slides 10
Slide 11
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Slide 15
Slide 16
Slide 17
Slide 18
Slide 19
Slide 20 (Topic 5)
Slide 21 (Topic 5)
Slide 22 (Topic 6)
Slide 23 (Topic 7)
This is the first verse of a popular NL folk song and dance tune, known to some as "The Ryans and Pittmans" and to others as "We'll rant and we'll roar like true Newfoundlanders."
The melody is based on the English sea shanty "Spanish Ladies" and some of the verses were adapted from the American "Yankee Whalermen". The NL verses were composed by Henry W. Lemessurier. |
Slide 24 (Topic 7.1)
Rhythmically this tune is fairly simple (perhaps even boring). However, the combination of a good melody, fine lyrics and a waltz-time beat makes it interesting.
Practice the first line, starting with a chord top, and followed by the bass-chord-chord pattern, with a left-hand tap for each treble note. |
When ready, move onto second line, holding "roar" for two beats (bass-chord taps), and "low" for five beats (bass-chord-chord | bass-chord taps).
Slide 25 (Topic 7.2)
Slide 26
Slide 27
Slide 28
Slide 29
Slide 30
Slide 31
Slide 32
Slide 33